Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feng Shui for the Home!

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First, let me say that I am not in any fashion certified in Feng Shui, I just love the peaceful and calm
feeling I get when reading about and looking at the photographs.  Now. . . that said  I'll continue.

I found my copy of The Feng Shui Home sitting on my shelf in my office.  I haven't looked at it for quite
some time but what caught my attention upon opening it, I found a little "post-it" note that I had scribbled -

                                                Feng Shui  tip  for Speeding Up a House Sale

                                       If you are having problems, take a red envelope and place in it:

                                                    A piece of metal from the kitchen
                                                     Some earth from the garden
                                                     Some wood from a skirting board

                                            Seal the envelope and throw it into a fast-moving river.

Hey, you say "Whatever it Takes".  I have to say that I do believe in the principals of Feng Shui, however,with staging your home for sale, I believe we can dismiss getting a piece of metal from the kitchen, dirt from garden, and won't damage your baseboards for a little wood. Take a look at these rooms and judge for yourself, the peaceful, neutral colors with a little of the unexpected for interest. You will agree the principals of staging and the art of Feng Shui have some common threads.

Feng Shui photo fengshuibedroomwithcolorfirewoodearthdominance_zpsf53f9cd5.jpg
Accented with elements of fire and earth

Feng Shui photo fengbedroom5_zps469ed419.jpg

Feng Shui photo fengshuibedroom3_zps6a15f3db.jpg

Feng Shui photo fengshuibedagainasolidwallampheadboardfeelssafetysecurity_zps3d1a6e64.jpg

Clutter represents stagnant energy and isn't just made up of unstored belongings. Magazines and newspapers also constitute clutter.  Most of us hold on to clothes "in case" we might need them.  It is far better to
live for today and create space for something new which can be worn now.  For staging, closets should
be two-thirds full to allow the space to appear larger.
Clutter Easts Equity

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                       "Let's Get Staging and Get It SOLD!"


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1 comment:

  1. I get when reading about and looking at the photographs. Now. . . that said I'll continue. fengshui
